Monday 1 November 2021


Just a little more than 30 years ago 
When my parents were the ones playing under a willow 
The ganga loved itself so much

It was just as clean as the wind in which mocking birds fleed 
But then they grew up , and so did the world 
More Chemicals were made , and the good things were burnt 

The Ganga started hating itself 
It was as dirty as the mind of a criminal 
More trash than water , that it now held
the damage we could do being unpredictable

It is dying , and it demands to saved 
To visit it once we all craved 
She asks for help ,and Shes close to death 
If Thou and me come together 
We can make the ganga stay forever 
Let us clean the sins we once did 
And make the ganga a better river for the future generation to bath in 

- Aastha Nagi 
( MY SELF COMPOSED                              POEM,. My originals)
   VII D