Tuesday 29 March 2016

How to get back deleted Facebook massages,pics ,videos etc

         How to get back deleted  Facebook massages,pics ,videos etc

  Today  I am going to tell you the simple possible steps  to get back your accidentally        deleted face book massages ,pics, videos etc from your face book account.

                        1. open your desired browser

 2.click on drop down menu

                                    3.click on settings

                          4.click on download a copy of your face book data


                              5 click on  start my archive.(green portion)

             Read what will you get back in (what is included)

6.now click on start my archive (Blue button)

It will ask password ,,enter your password and summit.

                                                      7.click on ok.

                                     8.now you will see a message                                                (we are generating you personal archive when it                                         will  be ready we will email you). 

                                             9.now open your mail. 

                                     You will see a message
                  (you recently requested a copy of your face book data).


              10.after few minutes you will get another mail from face book                              (your face book download is ready).

                 11.open this mail and click on link given in it                                                         (at the foot of the mail).


                                12 now click on green portion that says 
                                         (download  archive)

                                       13.it will ask password.

                              14. enter your face book password, and summit it. 


                             15.click on download archive.

                                          16.see where it is.(show in folder)

                                    17 now open the folder where it is in zip file 

                             Copy paste it in desired folder on desktop               (make sure you copy paste in convenient folder where you can                                           extract the  zip folder).

                                               click on extract.

             18. you will see these four file after you extract the zip folder.
                                   19.now click on index.htm ,

                                  20. yoy will get your facebook data 
      21.here you can see your massages,photos ,videos etc…………